Launchy is an application launcher for Windows and Linux. The whole purpose of having an application launcher is that you forget about running applications from the Start Menu. And it makes sense. I use a similar application on Mac OS X, Quicksilver, that is great. Launchy will pop-up after you hit a hotkey or click on its shortcut. Once you are there, you can simply start typing the names of the applications that you want to launch. Once you find the application you want, simply hit enter. The application will then launch. You can start applications without even thinking of the mouse, which will save you time and some repetitive stress injuries in your wrist. Launchy can open your documents, folders and even launch your web browser for you. The application will index your hard drives and find all your documents. The application might not get your results the first time, but it will be fast after the indexing is done. It also will remember your favorite applications and show them before applications that you don't regularly use.
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Can be improved by Plug-Ins.